Vitamins 696x496 1

Vitamin D 3 And Zinc

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Nancy Gatiti April 6, 2021 This is quite informative Paul C Rogers April 6, 2021 Nutrition status is complicated and evidence of the role of individual micronutrients is difficult to separate out as they interact.
Obesity is one end of the malnutrition spectrum and obese patients frequently are micronutrient depleted. There is a dearth of adequate and comprehensive nutritional research in Covid patients and evaluating if supplementing nutrients in those who are depleted improves outcomes is needed.

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Method: This 2 × 2 factorial, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial with obese/overweight patients with depressive symptoms was conducted in the Endocrinology and Metabolism Research Center (EMRC), Vali-Asr, Emam Khomeini Hospital between July 2016 and February 2017.
Results: We analyzed 125 participants, and a significant decrease in BDI-II was found among those who received zinc, vitamin D, or joint zinc-vitamin D supplements compared with the placebo group (P < 0.001). Fifteen patients discontinued participation owing to pregnancy (n = 1), severe anemia (n = 1), and unspecified unwillingness to continue (n = 13).

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