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Vitamin B Yellow Urine

What Urine Color Says About Your Health

Urine color can range from pale yellow to deep amber with little cause for concern. The variation typically has to do with how concentrated your urine is, which affects the pigment known as urochrome, or urobilin. Each day we produce hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that’s used to transport oxygen throughout the body.
When this happens, the body’s old hemoglobin is broken down, creating urochrome as a waste product that then ends up in our urine, giving it its yellow color. But, the more hydrated you are, the more your urine becomes diluted, and the lighter it will appear. Aside from how much water you drink, the foods you eat and the medications or supplements you take can also affect the color of your pee, and that’s likely what’s at play with bright yellow urine.

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Other Urine Changes

Cloudy urine Cloudy urine can signal a number of possible problems. For women, it could be a result of vaginal discharge. Other changes that may cause cloudiness include: dehydration

urinary bladder infections and lower urinary tract infections (UTIs)

kidney disease, including kidney stones Infection can also cause white or milky-looking urine.
Temporary foaminess is usually a result of an unsteady urine flow. If cloudiness in the urine lasts for more than a few days, a doctor should investigate the cause. Some changes are harmless, while others are a sign of disease: Eating a lot of asparagus can make the urine smell like rotting cabbage.
Urine that smells sweet could be a sign of diabete.

Why Is My Pee Bright Yellow?

Your pee may appear bright yellow due to high concentrations of B vitamins through food or supplements. And while it may look concerning, it’s a very common reaction to supplements.
Certain B vitamins, including vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B12 (cobalamin), can turn your pee fluorescent yellow or even neon green. But keep in mind that most of the time, this color change is harmless.

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It’s the body’s very clever way of maintaining itself – everything is carefully orchestrated and planned to perfection.
Be warned, if you take multivitamins on an empty stomach they can make you feel queasy or nauseous so the best time to take them is with a meal for optimal absorption and comfort. The best way to get your daily dose of vitamins is through your food in their natural form. But many people fail to get enough through their diet and as we get older our absorption and utilisation of essential vitamins and minerals can be reduced.
Common deficiencies in the western world include vitamin A, B12, D3, K, iron, folate, zinc, magnesium and potassium. Dehydration, bladder or kidney problems, liver disease and certain medications can all cause urine discolouration so it’s always worth getting it checked out.

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