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Vitamin B Problems

How Much To Get?

The answer depends on things including your age, your eating habits and medical conditions, and what medications you take.

Who Is At Risk?

Certain groups, such as older adults and pregnant women, are more at risk for vitamin B deficiencies. Skin rashes also can occur.
To treat a B vitamin deficiency, your doctor will likely recommend that you take supplements or increase your intake of certain foods that contain the target vitamin. Summary Older adults, pregnant women, and people with certain health conditions are more likely to have vitamin B deficiencies.

1. Fatigue

Specifically, a deficiency in B12 or folate can cause megaloblastic anemia.
It’s important to know that you can develop fatigue and other symptoms related to B12 deficiency, even when your B12 levels are considered within range or only borderline low

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Getting enough B12 from a multivitamin may to be fraught with problems for everyone. And many standard multivitamins contain B12 “analogs” that cannot even be used by the body. There is even some evidence that vitamin C in a multivitamin may convert the B12 in the vitamin to a harmful analog.
Too much folic acid in the presence of not enough B12 seems to increase disease risk across the board– it can mask the anemia and worsen the nerve damage of a B12 deficiency. It may be best to get B12 from a stand alone supplement, or one containing B6 folate and B12, since they work together to keep homocysteine down.

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