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Does Biotin Affect Sperm Count?

Does biotin lower sperm count? Conclusions. Biotin can enhance the sperm motility and prolong the survival of frozen-thawed semen samples which may have potential benefit in assisted reproductive technology field.

Can biotin affect fertility? Supplementary biotin increased egg production from 73.5% for T0 to 87.8% for T2. Hens administered with biotin in line B, but not in line D, showed an increase (8.4%) in fertility rate. Hatchability, chick quality, and overall embryonic mortality were not different among the experimental groups.

What vitamins affect sperm? Folic Acid is a B-vitamin that is necessary for DNA synthesis. Low levels of folic acid have been associated with a decreased sperm count and decreased sperm motility. In a recent study, the combination of zinc and folic acid results in a 75% increase in total normal sperm count in sub-fertile men.

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