result 774

Does Biotin Affect Blood Test?

How long should you stop taking biotin for a blood test? For patients that have lab tests planned, she tells them to stop taking their supplements. “If I can control what my patients are doing, I tell them to stop biotin for 1 week,” Burmeister says. Other doctors say it’s probably also wise to consider whether you need to be taking biotin at all.

Should I stop taking biotin before blood work? How do I prepare for my lab tests if I take biotin? Your health care practitioner may advise you to discontinue taking biotin supplements a few days before having lab tests done. If you are prescribed biotin for medical reasons, you should follow the directions of your health care practitioner.

What lab tests does biotin interfere with? Most of the published research on biotin interference covers hormone tests, such as parathyroid hormone (PTH), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T4 and T3 tests, as well as tests for troponin. However, because biotin is used in so many immunoassays, scientists say it could interfere with many others.

RELATED:  How Many Biotin Should I Take A Day?

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