result 558

Biotin How To Say It?

How do you pronounce the word biotin? biotin Pronunciation. ˈbaɪ ə tɪnbi·otin.

How do Brits say vitamins? VIT-a-min

How do you pronounce Phylloquinone? Phonetic spelling of phylloquinone

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Biotin How To Say It

phyl-loquinone. Kane Johns.
fil-oh-kwi-nohn. Haylie Ziemann.
phyl-lo-qui-none. Kabelo Molepo.
fye-toe-na-DYE-one. -1 rating rating ratings.

What is biotin for?

Biotin is also known as vitamin B-7. It forms fatty acids and glucose. It also helps metabolize carbohydrates and amino acids, and it aids in breaking down fat in your body. These functions make biotin an important part of creating the energy your body needs.

How do Brits say tomato?

Both pronunciations used to coexist, but today, “tom-ah-to” is the more British pronunciation, and “tom-ay-to” is the more American pronunciation. You still hear both in Canada though and in some American regions where British pronunciation was especially popular in early America.

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How do you say vitamins in Canada?

Member. In Canada, “vit” is said by some people, but “vite” is more common.

How is anti pronounced?

The prefix “anti” is acceptably pronounced both ways, however it is usually pronounced [antai] (or to a lesser extent [anti]) when stressed or emphasized, and [antɪ] as in ‘lid’ when said otherwise.

How is vitiligo pronounced?

Vitiligo is a chronic skin condition that is caused by a lack of melanin. Because of the loss of pigmentation the skin appears with discolored white patches. The correct pronunciation of vitiligo in English can be phonetically transcribed as Vih-tuh-lie-go.

Do you pronounce r in iron?

The reason why the r in ‘iron’ is absent in British English is because the r is followed by a consonant now (followed by /n/ in /’aɪərn/) and British English is non-rhotic, meaning the r is only pronounced when followed by a vowel.

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