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Collagen Keloid

2Joint Graduate Group in Bioengineering, College of California, San Francisco–College of California, Berkeley, California.

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Quantitative polymerase chain response (qPCR) was carried out on six targets associated to proliferation (cyclin D1), phenotype (SMA), and matrix synthesis (collagens I and III, and matrix metalloproteinase MMP-1 and MMP-2) to look at the impact of nanotopography on the stage of gene expression. This work could result in a greater understanding of how the mobile microenvironment, particularly topographical cues on the nanoscale, can affect each regular and keloid-derived fibroblasts. Fibroblast morphology was visualized utilizing confocal microscopy and cell proliferation was measured utilizing the CyQuant assay.

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Outcomes and Dialogue


General, we noticed that fibril alignment (SA and LA) diminished cell proliferation and expression of genes associated to proliferation (cyclin D1), fibrotic phenotype (SMA), and ECM synthesis (collagen I and III and MMP-2), respectively. This can be fascinating from a therapeutic standpoint to regulate keloid proliferation and inhibit scar progress, whereas nonetheless permitting dermal fibroblasts to repopulate the area and full wound therapeutic. Additional research exploring the molecular mechanisms concerned in cell response, and different nanotopgraphies, may additionally help in figuring out an efficient method for keloid administration.

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Supplementary Materials

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