
That is simply my expertise from taking these items. I’m somebody who by no means has accidents, illnesses, or anything. I have been very fortunate my total life to be very wholesome. All I can say is that inside weeks of taking these items, I began to note one thing bizarre happening with my pores and skin. A rash-looking factor appeared on my wrist. I did not assume something of it, till extra rash-looking spots appeared on my arms, then my toes, then my legs. Lengthy story quick, over the subsequent 2 months, I used to be breaking out in these rashes throughout my physique. It was very worrisome. Was it due to this CollagenUp stuff? I do not know for positive. However I do know that after I stopped taking these items, inside a month, I finished breaking out throughout my physique, and my pores and skin went again to regular. Perhaps my rashes have been from one thing else, who is aware of. However I will not be attempting these items once more to seek out out!

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