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Does Biotin Interfere With A1C Test?

What blood tests does biotin interfere with? Biotin can affect a wide variety of laboratory tests. Examples include tests for: Troponin—a test used to help diagnose heart attacks. Thyroid hormone tests, such as thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) tests.

Can biotin affect glucose test? In contrast, a study on subjects with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic subjects showed that biotin did not have any beneficial effect on glucose, insulin, triglyceride and cholesterol in either the diabetic or non-diabetic subjects.

Can you take biotin before a blood test? Healthcare practitioners may advise their patients to discontinue taking biotin supplements a few days before having lab tests done. The FDA will continue to monitor reports of adverse events of biotin interference with immunoassays and will update the public if significant new information becomes available.

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Does Biotin Interfere With A1C Test

Biotin in blood or other samples taken from patients who are ingesting high levels of biotin in dietary supplements can cause clinically significant incorrect lab test results.

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