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Does Magnesium Need Calcium To Work

Magnesium aids in bone formation and muscle endurance. Magnesium supplements can improve your bones’ stability and quantity of calcium. Both calcium and magnesium are essential bodily functions. Because the minerals are used in tandem, they must work in synergy to be fully effective. Bones, how calcium affects calcium, and how these nutrients work together are all beneficial. If you’re looking for enough minerals, you can be sure you are getting enough of them. Here’s what you need to hear about magnesium supplements.

Does Magnesium Need Calcium To Work – Answer & Related Questions

As part of the aging process, your bones will begin to lose density after 25 years. Calcium helps with this decline. Calcium is one of the minerals that must be mixed with magnesium for them to do their jobs.

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Do You Need To Take Calcium With Magnesium?

Magnesium supplements are ranging from 300 mg to 500 mg per day.
The body absorbs magnesium in chelated forms.
Magnesium oxide is also available and is often less costly, but it is not well absorbed.
Since high doses of magnesium can cause diarrhea, you should divide your dose and take them with meals throughout the day.
You can also increase your magnesium intake by eating magnesium-rich foods.

For example, a 2:1 calcium-to-magnesium ratio is advisable if you take 1000 mg of calcium and 500 mg per day.

Why Does Calcium Need To Be Taken With Magnesium?

Calcium tablets and magnesium can help maintain healthy bones and muscle function.
Calcium and magnesium can sometimes interfere with one another’s absorption in the body when taken together.
Before combining these two supplements, consult with your doctor.
For optimal health, breastfeeding women need elevated amounts of this mineral.
Calcium is required for healthy bones, nerve transmission, and muscle growth.
Calcium pills’ intake recommendations differ based on age and biological sex, and the National Institutes of Health provides recommendations primarily aimed at people who are naturally low in calcium, such as those who have low calcium levels.

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What Happens If You Don’t Take Calcium With Magnesium?

Magnesium plays a vital role in digestion, energy production, muscle contraction, and relaxation, bone formation, cell division, etc.
PCC’s calcium/magnesium supplements come in a variety of forms. PCC also offers a liquid calcium-magnesium supplement for people who don’t like pills.

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