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How To Check Magnesium Levels In The Body

The amount of magnesium in the blood is determined by a magnesium blood test. There is usually only a small amount, about 1% of the body’s total magnesium content. Low calcium levels can make it difficult for low calcium content to rise, and low magnesium levels may make this impossible. You can test your magnesium levels by purchasing a basic at-home finger prick test kit that is later reviewed in an accredited lab. Forth has a variety of blood tests, including magnesium such as our Nutri-check test and hematometer for Menopause Health. Magnesium levels can fluctuate if you have a disorder that affects your kidney or intestine function.

How To Check Magnesium Levels In The Body – Answer & Related Questions

You can test your magnesium levels by purchasing a basic at-home finger prick test kit that is later reviewed in an accredited lab. Forth has a variety of blood tests, including magnesium such as our Nutri-check test and a Menopause Health blood test.

RELATED:  Best Magnesium Supplement For Type 2 Diabetes

Can You Check Your Magnesium Levels At Home?

– You can determine your magnesium level at home or simply want to know where you are on the range.

How Do I Know If I Am Low On Magnesium?

Magnesium deficiency is detected by a blood test and occasionally urination.
If you have signs such as exhaustion, abnormal heart rhythm, vomiting, and/or diarrhoea, your doctor may order a blood test.
In severe cases, intravenous magnesium may be required.
Vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal cramps, and, in extreme cases, irregular heartbeat and cardiac arrest can be triggered by taking more than the recommended dose.
If you’re considering taking a magnesium supplement, make sure you consult with your doctor first, because it’s likely to take too much magnesium, so your physician will have to experiment with the dosage.

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