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magnesium vs potassium


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Magnesium deficiency is regularly related to hypokalemia. Concomitant magnesium deficiency aggravates hypokalemia and renders it refractory to therapy by potassium. Herein is reviewed literature suggesting that magnesium deficiency exacerbates potassium losing by growing distal potassium secretion. A lower in intracellular magnesium, brought on by magnesium deficiency, releases the magnesium-mediated inhibition of ROMK channels and will increase potassium secretion. Magnesium deficiency alone, nonetheless, doesn’t essentially trigger hypokalemia. A rise in distal sodium supply or elevated aldosterone ranges could also be required for exacerbating potassium losing in magnesium deficiency.


DISCLOSURES – “magnesium vs potassium”




C.-L.H. is supported by grants from the Nationwide Institutes of Well being (DK54368 and DK59530) and the Jacob Lemann Professorship in Calcium Transport at College of Texas Southwestern Medical Heart and is a longtime investigator of the American Coronary heart Affiliation (0440019N).

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We thank Drs. Michel Baum, Orson Moe, Charles Pak, and Robert Reilly for important studying and feedback on the manuscript.




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