
Should B Vitamins Be Taken With Food

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.

Water-Soluble Vitamins

However, the majority of water-soluble vitamins are passed in your urine when their amounts are in excess. In other words, taking large doses of most water-soluble vitamins is often inefficient because the amounts your body cannot immediately use are quickly excreted — within hours to days.

B-Complex Vitamins

B-complex is a term for all eight B vitamins: B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-9 and B-12.
B vitamins have many roles in the body, but the main ones involve stimulating metabolism, copying DNA during cell division, making red blood cells and protecting nerves. Vitamin B-12 is a large molecule that needs a compound called intrinsic factor to be absorbed in the stomach. Once in the body, B-12 is stored mainly in the liver, where it can remain for years.

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Is Timing Important For Vitamins?

Different vitamins work in different ways. This means that some have special considerations on how to take them and whether or not people can eat meals alongside them. In general, it is better to avoid supplements altogether and get sufficient nutrition from a balanced diet.
Timings for supplementation are mostly flexible.

Fat-Soluble Vitamins

Usually, a person will get all the fat-soluble vitamins they need from the diet and do not need to supplement them. Some examples of fat-soluble vitamins include: vitamin A

vitamin D

vitamin E

vitamin K Fat-soluble vitamins dissolve in oil .
For this reason, people who do need to supplement fat-soluble vitamins should take them alongside meals to enhance absorption. It is also possible to take too much of a mineral, which can have harmful effects. People should take minerals daily with food.
Caution is necessary because the link between claims of effectiveness and actual benefits may vary greatly. Some vitamins may also interact adversely with a person’s regular medications.

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