
Vitamin And Mineral Deficiency Symptoms Chart

This isn’t an easy topic to write about nor is it an easy topic to find information about since it’s quite complex.

What Is A Mineral Deficiency?

A mineral deficiency occurs when your body doesn’t obtain or absorb the required amount of a mineral. They can be obtained from food, mineral supplements, and food products that have been fortified with extra minerals. Mineral deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems, such as weak bones, fatigue, or a decreased immune system.

Could Better Health Be Just A Supplement Away?

While vitamins, or micronutrients, are important for a well functioning body, Vitamins A, C, D, and E intakes are inadequate in Americans. Fortunately, vitamin deficiency symptoms are often very easy to fix. Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Chart Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Where to Find It A Dry eyes and skin; increased infections; issues with sight, dry hair; broken fingernails; pruritus (itchy skin) Beef liver and other organ meats; salmon; green, leafy vegetables; orange and yellow vegetables; fruits, including cantaloupe, apricots, and mangos; dairy products B1 (thiamine) Fatigue; irritability; beriberi (heart and circulatory issues) Whole grains; meat (especially pork); fish; legumes; seeds; nuts B2 (riboflavin) Cracks in corners of the mouth; dry patches on the head Cheese; almonds; beef and lamb; mackerel; eggs; pork; mushrooms; sesame seeds; spinach B2 (niacin) Mental confusion and dementia; scaly skin; muscle weakness; diarrhea; memory impairment; disorientation; depression; delirium, mania, or paranoia Dairy; eggs; enriched bread and cereal; fish; lean meat; legumes; nuts B5 Seizures; scaly rash; red tongue; cracks in corner of mouth; pins-and-needles sensation in hands and feet Avocado; broccoli; kale; cabbage; eggs, legumes; milk; mushrooms; organ meat; poultry; potatoes; yeast B12 Fatigue; anemia; paleness; weakness; shortness of breath; dizziness; tingling or loss of sensation in hands and feet; confusion and dementia Clams; liver; fortified breakfast cereal; trout; salmon; tuna; haddock; beef; milk Folate Fatigue; anemia; paleness; shortness of breath and dizziness; red and sore tongue; reduced sense of taste; weight loss; depression Beans; lentils; spinach; asparagus; lettuce; avocado; broccoli; mango; oranges C Bleeding gums; infection; dry hair and skin; gingivitis; nosebleeds; weight gain, painful joints; weakened tooth enamel Citrus fruits; peppers; guava; kale; broccoli; tomatoes; peas D Weak and brittle bones; bone pain; muscle weakness Cod liver oil; swordfish; salmon; tuna; orange juice; milk; yogurt; sardines; liver; eggs

RELATED:  D College

Download Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms Chart.

1. Severe Hair Loss

While everyone loses about 100 strands of hair a day, suddenly finding clumps of hair on your pillow or in your shower drain merits a mention to your doctor. “We will do a blood test to check your iron levels.”. Reversing iron deficiency

The good news is you can eliminate an iron deficiency with supplements.
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 8 mg for men over 18 years old and 18 mg for women. Be sure to also include iron-rich foods in your diet, such as spinach and beans.

Muscle Cramps Or Twitches

We All Know Calcium Is Important For Healthy Bones And Teeth, But Did You Know This Mineral Also Plays A Big Part In Normal Nerve And Muscle Functions?

And of course, low levels of calcium can also increase your risk for fractures.

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