
Vitamin And Mineral Deficiency Test Near Me

This subject along with many others are quite common.

What Are Vitamins And Minerals?

Vitamins and minerals are types of micronutrients — something your body needs in tiny amounts. You can check your vitamin and mineral levels with a personalised blood test.

Browse Vitamin, Mineral & Nutrition Tests Subcategories

Vitamins are essential to human life.
Depleted levels of nutrients can lead to life threatening conditions and seriously limit the body’s ability to fight off infection and disease. For a cheap and convenient way to take control of your health, order online vitamin deficiency test or a nutrition blood tests or panels from Walk-In Lab.

Choose One Lab: Labcorp (Lc) Or Quest (Qd) Or All

Please choose LC or QD to complete your order.
If you prefer to receive a kit by mail for specimen collection, please see our Home Test Kits. Labcorp: Online lab testing is prohibited in MA, MD, NY, NJ and RI. Quest Diagnostics: Online lab testing is prohibited in NY, NJ and RI.

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What Is A Vitamin Deficiency?

However, in developed countries vitamin deficiency can occur in:

people with alcohol and drug dependency

the elderly

those with a poor diet

vegans – vitamin D and B12 may be lacking in vegans, who eat no animal products

people with gut disorders

people who don’t get enough sunlight.

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