
Vitamin And Supplement Guide

This blog post will walk you through: vitamin and supplement guide.



Ection of fact sheets and other resources from the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements and other federal government sources presents information about dietary supplements and their ingredients. These include vitamins, minerals, herbs and botanicals, probiotics, and more. Many of these resources are available in versions written for consumers (in both English and Spanish) and also for health professional.

Do You Need A Supplement?

Most healthy people don’t need one. Reasons include if you’re elderly, take certain medicines, or don’t have easy access to healthy food because of income or where you live. Talk to your doctor if you:

Are or might get pregnant.
You may not get enough iron from food, especially if you get morning sickness. Care for a young child. Eat a restricted or limited diet.
That may happen if you’re vegan or have a dairy allergy. Your body starts to absorb less of vitamins D and B12 as you get older. After you reach middle age, you may need to take extra steps to get enough.
Had gastric bypass surgery. Your gut may not absorb nutrients as well.

RELATED:  Zinc Lozenges

First Things First: Find A Routine

“But, with as many different dietary supplements available as there are conflicting messages about them, it can be hard to know what is best for you.
There are also questions of how best to take them, when to take them, how much is too much and other important considerations,” she says.

See When’S The Best Time To Take My Supplements?

for more information.

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