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Vitamin And Weight Gain

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin and weight gain. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.


Over the past few decades, food fortification and infant formula supplementation with high levels of vitamins have led to a sharp increase in vitamin intake among infants, children and adults. This is followed by a sharp increase in the prevalence of obesity and related diseases, with significant disparities among countries and different groups within a country. It has long been known that B vitamins at doses below their toxicity threshold strongly promote body fat gain.
Furthermore, ecological studies have shown that increased B vitamin consumption is strongly correlated with the prevalence of obesity and diabetes. Food fortification-induced high vitamin consumption is followed by a rapid increase in obesity prevalence.

Why Is The Fat Gain Effect Of B Vitamins Neglected In Obesity Studies?

Why Are The Poor In Developed Countries But The Rich In Developing Countries At High Risk Of Obesity?

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This paper reviews the role of excess vitamins in obesity and proposes a unified answer to these questions.

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Vitamins And Your Metabolism

Your intake of nutrients may also impact upon appetite and therefore food intake. For example, low levels of vitamin B6 are associated with a decrease in brain serotonin levels which could result in an increased appetite.

1. B Vitamins

The B vitamins include: B-12




pantothenic acid or B-5

niacin or B-3

riboflavin or B-2

thiamine or B-1 Deficiency in one of the B vitamins can affect other B vitamins, which can disrupt a person’s metabolism. B-12 is essential for the metabolism of proteins and fats . It needs B-6 and folate to work correctly.
It needs B-6 and folate to work correctly. The ability to process fats, proteins, and carbohydrates is essential. A healthy metabolism ensures that the body uses these nutrients for energy rather than storing them as fat.
People must regularly eat foods that contain B vitamins to meet their daily needs. Good choices of foods that contain B vitamins include: lean meats and seafood

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whole grains, including barley and brown rice

dairy products


some fruits, such as bananas, apples, grapes, and watermelon

nuts and seeds

some vegetables, including spinach, potatoes, and squash B-12 is present only in animal products, meaning vegetarians and vegans may have difficulty consuming enough of this vitamin. In addition to dairy products, the following foods may contain B-12: fortified plant-based milk

nutritional yeast

fortified breakfast cereals

meat substitutes

some spreads, such as Marmite.

List Of Vitamins That Cause Weight Gain

Here you can know what vitamins can cause weight gain and the reasons behind the weight gain;

Vitamin A

Studies have found that women who tried to gain weight easily have found their trust and solution in the usage of vitamin A. Vitamin A protects and aids in cell growth of organs of the body. Typically, preformed vitamin A comes in animal edibles such as meat, fish, and liver. Provitamin comes in beta-carotene usually found in plants and this is the most vital range of vitamin A.
Due to this, it becomes a must to have vitamin types such as Vitamin B to enhance appetite and food consumption thus leading to increased weight. Folate in this vitamin causes increased weight and muscle tone. Research has shown that the use of vitamin C in artificial form can allow for weight increases.
Vitamin C influences metabolism and denies access to fat molecules thereby leading to increased weight. Vitamin D

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Same as the above vitamin type, even vitamin D also leads to weight enhancement. So, be watchful while taking this vitamin.
Also, the absorption of vitamin D increases bone structure. Different studies have shown the vital role of vitamin D regarding weight management and enhanced health status. Due to increased metabolism appetite also increases which in turn leads to increased food intake leading to weight gain.
Tips To Manage Weight Gain

Drink more water

Depend on foods that lower the accumulated fats such as fiber foods

Eat foods that increase muscle and not fat

Drink moderately and stop smoking

Be physically active

Sleep well and decrease stress

If you feel your body weight is being increased due to vitamin intake, decrease those vitamins. Keep an eye on the vitamins in the list of vitamins that cause weight gain to shed off additional weight. You must consult the doctor before you start using any vitamin supplements.

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