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Vitamin B And Vitamin C

This blog post will walk you through: vitamin b and vitamin c. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.


Nutrition Specialist, Department of Food Science Human Nutrition; J. Curely, Graduate Student, Department of Food Science Human Nutrition . Go to top of this page.

Side Effects

Cation by mouth, usually once daily or as directed.
Doing so can release all of the drug at once, increasing the risk of side effects. Also, do not split extended-release tablets unless they have a score line and your doctor or pharmacist tells you to do so. Swallow the whole or split tablet without crushing or chewing.
If you are taking a liquid product, use a medication-measuring device to carefully measure the dose. Some liquid products need to be shaken before each dose. Follow label directions carefully to get the most benefit.

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Is Timing Important For Vitamins?

This means that some have special considerations on how to take them and whether or not people can eat meals alongside them. Cooking food does not get rid of its fat-soluble vitamin content. Usually, a person will get all the fat-soluble vitamins they need from the diet and do not need to supplement them.
As with vitamins, minerals are available over the counter as supplements. It is also possible to take too much of a mineral, which can have harmful effects. Taking mineral supplements without food might result in side effects, such as an upset stomach.
Risks and considerations People should take care when considering the use of vitamin and mineral supplements. Caution is necessary because the link between claims of effectiveness and actual benefits may vary greatly. Also, many vitamins and minerals can be harmful if a person takes them in large doses.


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