
Vitamin B Function In The Human Body

Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

What Are B Vitamins?

They help the body convert food into energy (metabolism), create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues. There are eight types of B vitamin, each with their own function: thiamin (vitamin B-1)

riboflavin (vitamin B-2)

niacin (vitamin B-3)

pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)

vitamin B-6

biotin (vitamin B-7)

folate (vitamin B-9)

vitamin B-12 Together, they are called the vitamin B complex. B vitamins often occur together in the same foods.
However, those who struggle to meet their daily needs can use supplements.


These vitamins help a variety of enzymes do their jobs, ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates and fat to breaking down amino acids and transporting oxygen and energy-containing nutrients around the body. Spotlight on Three of the Bs: Folate, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12

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One of the advances that changed the way we look at vitamins was the discovery that too little folate is linked to birth defects such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
Folate (Folic Acid) – Vitamin B9 Folate is the natural form of vitamin B9, water-soluble and naturally found in many foods. It is also added to foods and sold as a supplement in the form of folic acid; this form is actually better absorbed than that from food sources—85% vs. 50%, respectively. Learn more about folate and health

Another line of research about folate and two other B vitamins, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, explores their roles in reducing some types of cancer and heart disease.
Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin found naturally in many foods, as well as added to foods and supplements. Learn more about vitamin B6 and health

Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, is naturally found in animal foods. Vitamin B12 is needed to form red blood cells and DNA.
You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Nutrition Source does not recommend or endorse any product.

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The B-vitamins comprise a group of eight water soluble vitamins that perform essential, closely inter-related roles in cellular functioning, acting as co-enzymes in a vast array of catabolic and anabolic enzymatic reactions.
This review describes the closely inter-related functions of the eight B-vitamins and marshals evidence suggesting that adequate levels of all members of this group of micronutrients are essential for optimal physiological and neurological functioning. Keywords: brain, coenzyme, vitamin, homocysteine, folate, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, biotin, pantothenic acid.


are a group of substances that are needed for normal cell function, growth, and development.
There are 13 essential vitamins. The four fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are absorbed more easily by the body in the presence of dietary fat. The nine water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C and all the B vitamins.
They have to be consumed on a regular basis to prevent shortages or deficiencies in the body. The exception to this is vitamin B12, which can be stored in the liver for many years.

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