Vitamins 696x496 1

Vitamin B Names

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.


These vitamins help a variety of enzymes do their jobs, ranging from releasing energy from carbohydrates and fat to breaking down amino acids and transporting oxygen and energy-containing nutrients around the body. Learn more about folate and health

Another line of research about folate and two other B vitamins, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, explores their roles in reducing some types of cancer and heart disease. Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, is a water-soluble vitamin found naturally in many foods, as well as added to foods and supplements.
It can also be added to foods or supplements. You should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

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Thiamin (Vitamin B1)

Thiamin, also known as vitamin B1, helps: the body break down and release energy from food

keep the nervous system healthy Good sources of thiamin Thiamin is found in many types of food. The amount of thiamin adults (aged 19 to 64) need is: 1mg a day for men

0.8mg a day for women You should be able to get all the thiamin you need from your daily diet.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Thiamin?

There’s not enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of thiamin supplements each day. You should be able to get all the thiamin you need by eating a varied and balanced diet. If you take supplements, do not take too much as this might be harmful.
Taking 100mg or less a day of thiamin supplements is unlikely to cause any harm.

What Are B Vitamins?

They help the body convert food into energy (metabolism), create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues. There are eight types of B vitamin, each with their own function: thiamin (vitamin B-1)

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riboflavin (vitamin B-2)

niacin (vitamin B-3)

pantothenic acid (vitamin B-5)

vitamin B-6

biotin (vitamin B-7)

folate (vitamin B-9)

vitamin B-12 Together, they are called the vitamin B complex.
B vitamins often occur together in the same foods. However, those who struggle to meet their daily needs can use supplements. They may also have a deficiency if their body cannot absorb nutrients properly, or if their body eliminates too much of them due to certain health conditions or medications.

1. Salmon

Many foods provide B vitamins, but to be considered high in a vitamin, a food must contain at least 20% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) per serving. Here are 15 healthy foods high in one or more B vitamin.

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