
Vitamin B1 And Sleep Apnea

This subject along with many others are quite common. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.

Diseases & Conditions

In this study, the UCLA team used MRI to scan the brains of sleep apnea patients. The study found that the mammillary bodies of the 43 sleep apnea patients were almost 20 percent smaller than those in 66 people without sleep apnea. The results will be published in the June 27 issue of Neuroscience Letters.
“The reduced size of the mammillary bodies suggests that they’ve suffered a harmful event resulting in sizable cell loss. “Physicians treat memory loss in alcoholic patients with massive amounts of thiamine, or vitamin B1. We suspect that the dose helps dying cells to recover, enabling the brain to use them again,” Kumar said.
He and Harper plan to study whether taking supplemental vitamin B1 can help restore memory in sleep apnea patients. The vitamin moves glucose into cells, which prevents their death from oxygen starvation. All rights reserve.

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Based on the clinical symptoms that developed after the appearance of the neurological disease, an attended overnight polysomnography examination was performed. Results: A marked clinical recovery was seen after administration of high doses of thiamine, coenzyme Q, L-carnitine, and vitamins C and E, combined with effective treatment with continuous positive airway pressure for the underlying severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The latter condition was diagnosed on the basis of suggestive symptoms that appeared a few weeks before the establishment of the neurological disease.
The improvement in the neurological disease (based on clinical and brain MRI features) with the appropriate medical treatment also resulted in a significant improvement in the OSA. This may be crucial for disease outcome when added to the generally advised pharmacological therap.

Vitamins For Sleep

Currently, 99% of us aren’t getting the nutrition we need, meaning there’s a chance that we’re lacking in key nutrients.
This is vital as certain deficiencies have been linked to poor rest, insomnia, and even sleep apnea.

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Hormones Matter

That is incorrect: while the body rests during sleep and energy consumption is not high, it is a long way from zero. A convenient way to measure energy use is known as the “metabolic equivalent” (ME).
In one study, the effects of sleep, sleep deprivation and recovery sleep on the whole-body, total daily energy expenditure was examined in seven healthy participants aged 22+/-5 years. The findings provided support for the hypothesis that sleep conserves energy and that sleep deprivation increases total daily energy expenditure. The recognition that sleep is one of the foundations of athletic performance is vital.
Research in the general population has highlighted the importance of sleep on neurophysiology, cognitive function and mood. All of them had been exceptional athletes and students before the vaccination.

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