
Vitamin B12 For Cats

Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

Why Is B12 Important?

And cats are carnivores. So you’d think a cat’s diet would contain plenty of B12. The absorption of this vitamin is a complex process that involves the stomach, pancreas, small intestine, and liver, so if any one of those organs isn’t functioning well, less B12 gets absorbed.
In a healthy cat, the tissues retain B12 for an average of 13 days, but in a cat with gastrointestinal disease or other health problems, B12 may stay in the body for only about 5 days. So reserves of this vitamin get depleted quickly in cats and this causes low B12 levels. Disorders that interfere with the absorption of nutrients, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), can lead to B12 deficiency in cats.
Studies have shown that cats with IBD, intestinal lymphoma, and pancreatitis tend to have much lower levels of B12 in their bodies than healthy cat.

Vitamin B12 For Cats

Follow these guidelines from Dr. Gary Richter, award-winning vet and member of Rover’s Dog People Panel, when choosing supplements for your cat:

Look for brands that have commissioned clinical studies of their products. This is a sign that the company uses quality control checks.
Be wary of claims that sound too good to be true. Vitamin supplements are just that—supplements. They are not cure-alls or medications.
In general, the best options will be available through your veterinarian. In general, be aware that ingredients in some herbal supplements can interact with medication, which is why it’s important to tell your veterinarian about all of your cat’s medications and supplements before starting them on vitamin B12 for cats. The bottom line: As with any nutritional supplement, talk to your vet first.
Vitamin B12 for Cats

If your vet has recommended vitamin B12 for your cat, your choices include drops and chewable/crushable tablets such as these. Are chicken-flavored to help that medicine go down. Further Reading

Featured image via Michael Czyz/Unsplash.

Overview Of Using Vitamin B12 For Dogs And Cats

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin and hydroxocobalamin) is essential to growth, cell reproduction, hematopoesis, and nucleoprotein, myelin synthesis, and treating B12 deficiency for dogs and cats. The cobalt-containing B12 molecule is the largest molecule to be transferred across the intestinal mucosa and transfer occurs only in the ileum. B12 is generally absent from plant and vegetable food sources, unless the food is contaminated by microbes.
Frank deficiency of B12 or gastric, intestinal, or pancreatic disorders that affect the absorption of B12 will lead to B12 deficiency. Deficiency of B12 causes pernicious (megaloblastic) anemia by affecting DNA production. Also, since B12 is involved in the synthesis of lipid and protein components of myelin, demyelination and nerve degeneration will occur in severe B12 deficiency.
Tetrahydrofolate is involved in purine, pyrimidine, and nucleic acid biosynthesis. A congenital B12 malabsorption syndrome has been reported in giant schnauzers, border collies, beagles, and in cats.

Brand Names And Other Names Of Vitamin B12

Veterinary formulations: None (except as part of multivitamin formulations)

Uses of B12 for Dogs and Cats

Treatment of primary or secondary B12 deficiency.
Precautions and Side Effects

Vitamin B12 is essentially non-toxic but it should not be given to animals with known hypersensitivity to it or to cobalt. Drug Interactions

A number of drugs are known to affect the absorption of vitamin B12, including neomycin, potassium chloride, p-aminosalicylic acid, and colchicine. Hydroxocobalamin Crystalline:

1000 mcg/mL injection (30mL vial)

Dosing Information of Vitamin B12 in Dogs and Cats

PLEASE NOTE: Always speak with your veterinarian before giving vitamins of any kind to your pet.
Intrinsic factor (IF) may have to be supplied to facilitate B12 absorption. It can be dosed at 100 to 200 mcg/kg once daily.

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