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Vitamin B2 Benefits

If you’re here, then you probably Google’d: vitamin b2 benefits. This subject along with many others are quite common. We will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.


There are two types of riboflavin deficiency: Primary riboflavin deficiency happens when the person’s diet is poor in vitamin B2

Secondary riboflavin deficiency happens for another reason, maybe because the intestines cannot absorb the vitamin properly, or the body cannot use it, or because it is being excreted too rapidly Riboflavin deficiency is also known as ariboflavinosis.


It’s present in other foods in synthetic form. You’ll get the most out of the B vitamins if you take supplements or eat foods that contain all of them.
You may have experienced an energy boost from taking supplements containing B vitamins. Grain products may not have much naturally occurring riboflavin by the time they get to your table. The primary concern associated with other deficiencies is anemia, which happens when you don’t get enough iron.
It’s especially important to make sure you get enough riboflavin in your diet if you’re pregnant. A riboflavin deficiency could endanger your baby’s growth and increase your chances of preeclampsia, which involves dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy. You may actually have a problem absorbing nutrients.

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In addition to producing energy for the body, riboflavin works as an antioxidant, fighting damaging particles in the body known as free radicals. Riboflavin is also needed to help the body change vitamin B6 and folate into forms it can use. Most healthy people who eat a well-balanced diet get enough riboflavin.
More research is needed to see if riboflavin can really help prevent cataracts. One double-blind, placebo-controlled study showed that taking 400 mg of riboflavin a day cut the number of migraine attacks in half. More research is needed.

B2: The Energy Vitamin

Vitamin B2 helps to break down fats, proteins and carbohydrates, and keeps a steady supply of energy flowing through your body.

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