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Vitamin B6 Test

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.


Vitamin B6 helps maintain normal nerve function and form red blood cells. The body uses it to help break down proteins. The deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause mouth and tongue sores, irritability, confusion, and depression.
Major sources of vitamin B6 include:

Cereal grains and flour

Vegetables like peas, spinach, and carrots

Seeds and nuts



Milk and cheeses

Fish, meat and eggs


Deficiency of vitamin B6 has been implicated in a wide variety of clinical conditions. B6 may be decreased with inflammatory disease of the small bowel and malabsorption and, in some cases, of a jejunoileal bypass. Vitamin B6 deficiency can be more prevalent in people who:.

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What Is A Vitamin B Test?

This test measures the amount of one or more B vitamins in your blood or urine. Also, B vitamins are found naturally in a variety of foods, including leafy green vegetables and whole grains.

What Does It Mean If Your Vitamin B6 Result Is Too Low?

In over 100 different enzymatic reactions in the body.
Without enough hemoglobin from a vitamin B6 deficiency, the body’s ability to transport oxygen is decreased and anemia results. A vitamin B6 blood test helps determine whether or not someone is deficient in the vitamin, or has high levels. Normal Ranges for Vitamin B6 in mcg/L:

Adults: 5-50 mcg/L

Critical Range: <5 or >50 mcg/L


Laboratory Information

to external laboratory. Deficiency can cause very low ALT/AST levels, EEG changes (and seizures in children) as well as dermatitis, cheilosis and glossitis.

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