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Vitamin C Foods With Iron

This subject along with many others are quite common.

Which Foods Contain It?

In foods, iron is present in two forms: heme and non-heme. Heme iron is the best form of iron, as up to 40% of it is readily absorbed by your body It’s estimated that 85–90% of total iron intake comes from the non-heme form, while 10–15% comes from the heme form In terms of its bioavailability, non-heme iron is absorbed much less efficiently than heme iron.

1. Shellfish

All shellfish is high in iron, but clams, oysters, and mussels are particularly good sources. However, the iron content of clams is highly variable, and some types may contain much lower amounts (4).
In fact, all shellfish is high in nutrients and has been shown to increase the level of heart-healthy HDL cholesterol in your blood Shellfish is also rich in many other nutrients and may increase HDL (good) cholesterol levels in your blood.

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Iron-Rich Foods

Best Foods For Vitamin C

One scientific editorial suggests that 200 mg per day is an optimal amount for most adults.

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