
Vitamin C Zink

Prolonged Supply With Vitamin C

supply with 300 mg Vitamin C + 10 mg Zinc per day

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and cannot be stored by the body. Unused amounts are excreted by the body which means a regular and sustained supply is needed. Eurho® Vital Langzeit Vitamin C plus 10 mg Zink capsules contain specially formulated pellets which release vitamin C over an extended period to increase bioavailability.
1 The beneficial effect is obtained with a daily intake of 200 mg in addition to the recommended daily intake of vitamin.

Open Food Facts

Es são apresentados pela ordem de importância (quantidade dos mesmos). Lista de ingredientes: Zucker; Vitamin C; Maltodextrin; Trennmittel Siliciumdioxid und Magnesiumsalze der Speisefettsäuren; Zinkcitrat; Himbeeraroma; Acerolaextrakt; Hagebuttenextrakt; Johannisbeerpulver.
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Análise dos ingredientes:

Pode conter óleo de palma

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Centax Vitamin C + Zink

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Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair, nails and vision. The capsules release vitamin C and zinc with a time delay.

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