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Vitamin D And Zinc Foods

This blog post will walk you through: vitamin d and zinc foods. Don’t worry, we’ve got all the answers about this subject.

2. Shellfish

Shellfish are healthy, low-calorie sources of zinc. Oysters contain particularly high amounts, with 6 medium oysters providing 32 mg, or 291% of the DV. Summary Shellfish like oysters, crab, mussels and shrimp can all contribute to your daily zinc needs.

1. Salmon

Salmon is a popular fatty fish and great source of vitamin D. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database, one 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of farmed Atlantic salmon contains 526 IU of vitamin D, or 66% of the DV Whether the salmon is wild or farmed can make a big difference. However, farmed salmon contains only 25% of that amount.
Still, one serving of farmed salmon provides about 250 IU of vitamin D, or 32% of the DV

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2. Sockeye Salmon

How Much Zinc Should You Take To See Benefits?

Zinc is an essential trace mineral, which means our bodies need only a small amount of it to maintain good health, according to MedlinePlus. The NIH sets the recommended dietary allowance at 8 milligrams (mg) for adult women and 11 mg for adult men.
While only a small amount may be needed, don’t underestimate the power of this mighty mineral.

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