
Vitamin D Cod Liver Oil

1. High In Vitamins A And D

Cted from the liver of Atlantic cod. Cod liver oil has been used for centuries to relieve joint pain and treat rickets, a disease that causes fragile bones in children Regular fish oil is extracted from the tissue of oily fish like tuna, herring, anchovies and mackerel, while cod liver oil is extracted from the livers of cod.

Nutrition Information

Historically, people living in northern Europe have relied on cod liver oil as a vitamin D supplement during the winter months when sunlight is scarce. The leading producers of cod liver oil supplements are northern countries like Norway and Iceland, but you can find it in most supermarkets and health food stores. People take cod liver oil capsules to help with arthritic joint pain and cardiovascular disease prevention.
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to bone fractures in the elderly and abnormal brain development in offspring. It may also lead to the development of metabolic syndrome, which involves the combination of high blood pressure, high glucose levels, and high cholesterol.

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Recommended Intake In Infants

Vitamin D is also required for calcium absorption, and thereby for formation of the skeleton (2).
The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations specify a daily dose of 10 µg vitamin D for infants from the age of 1–2 weeks (4). The content of vitamin D in infant formula has been fairly low, so that extra vitamin D has been deemed acceptable also for infants fed with infant formula (5). The content of DHA in breastmilk is affected by the mother’s intake.
A fully breastfed infant will receive 100 mg DHA if the mother complies with the recommendation of an intake of 200 mg per day for breastfeeding women (4, 8). So far, manufacturers have been free to decide whether or not to add docosahexaenoic acid to infant formula (9).

Vitamin D3 400Iu Fish Liver Oil – 100 Cápsulas – Solgar

Ras solares e dos efeitos dos raios ultravioleta na nossa pele, tiveram como consequência um maior uso de protectores solares, chapéus e roupa com o intuito de nos protegermos do sol, o que veio por sua vez, reduzir a produção de vitamina D pela pele.
Uma vez ingerida, e já no fígado, a vitamina D converte-se num metabolito designado por 25-hidroxicolecalciferol [25-OH-D3], que será por sua vez convertido na sua forma activa nos rins, em 1,25 dihidroxicolecalciferol [1,25-(OH)2-D3]. Tradicionalmente, a vitamina D está associada ao balanço do cálcio e saúde óssea. Ingredientes

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Vitamina D3 (4000UI, colecalciferol);

Modo De Utilização

Como suplemento alimentar para adultos, tomar 1 cápsula mole por dia, de preferência à refeição, ou segundo prescrição médica ou do seu técnico de saúde.
Não exceder a dose diária recomendada.

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