
Vitamin D3 Good For Heart

Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.

Essential For Bone Health

’t improve cardiovascular health, but it can strengthen bones and improve overall health. The analysis of previous studies states that vitamin D doesn’t help prevent cardiovascular disease. However, experts who spoke to Healthline emphasize the vitamin is still an essential part of a healthy diet.
“This is why we decided to conduct a meta-analysis with enough power to clarify if vitamin D does or does not have a protective effect on cardiovascular health,” he added. Dr. Barbarawi said that while vitamin D has been found ineffective as a potential strategy to prevent cardiovascular diseases by other researchers, the results of that research had too many variables. “This meta-analysis is very important to provide the most recent information about any cardiovascular benefit vitamin D may have,” he said.
“With the exception of bone health, there is no direct study data that definitively concludes that vitamin D has other significant health benefits,” Dr. Gudimetla told Healthlin.

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Vitamin D-3 Has Role Beyond Bone Health

The new study suggests that vitamin D-3 — a version of vitamin D that our bodies produce naturally when we expose our skin to the sun — plays a key role in preserving and restoring the damage to the endothelium that occurs in these diseases.

Nanosensors Probed Effect Of D-3 On Cells

They used the nanosensors to track the impact of vitamin D-3 on molecular mechanisms in human endothelial cells that had been treated to show the same type of damage that occurs from high blood pressure.
The findings suggest that vitamin D-3 is a powerful trigger of nitric oxide, which is a molecule that plays an important signaling role in the control of blood flow and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. The researchers also found that vitamin D-3 significantly reduces oxidative stress in the vascular system.

‘An Exciting New Approach’

In the recent study, the researchers set out to investigate whether there is a relationship between serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D, or 25(OH)D, and the risk of developing CVD.
To test their hypothesis, the researchers employed a specific analytical method to analyze data from UK Biobank — a large prospective cohort study of the United Kingdom’s population aged 37–73 years. The participants were recruited from 22 assessment centers across the U.K. Between March 13, 2006, and October 1, 2009. They filled out questionnaires providing broad information on health and lifestyle at baseline and provided blood samples for biomarker and genetic assays.
For the study, the research team limited data analyses to unrelated individuals who were identified as white British based on self-report and genetic profiling.

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