
Vitamin D3 K2 Magnesium

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: vitamin d3 k2 magnesium. This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.

O Que É Naturitas Magnesium Vitamin D3 + K2?

Suplemento alimentar à base de magnésio e vitaminas d3 e k2, sem glúten e sem lactose.

Propriedades E Benefícios Da Vitamina D3 + K2 De Magnésio

Magnésio : ajuda a reduzir o cansaço e a fadiga, o funcionamento normal do sistema nervoso e dos músculos.

Como Tomar Vitamina D3 + K2 De Magnésio Da Naturitas?

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Ca supplementation alone is not recommended for fracture prevention in the general postmenopausal population. Mg deficiency could negatively influence bone and muscle health. However, data regarding the efficacy of vitK2 and Mg supplementation on bone are inconclusiv.

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Data Availability Statement Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated or analysed during the current study.

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