
Vitamin E Before Surgery

This article aims to clear any doubts and questions you may have about this subject and we will do our best to do so.

Pre-Operative Nutrition

The pre-operative period (2 to 4 weeks prior to surgery) is a great time to ensure you are achieving your needs for a healthy lifestyle while also preparing for the upcoming stress of surgery. It is essential for all of the body’s systems, including the skin, digestion, metabolism, and hormones. Although most Americans get more than enough protein in their diets, it is imperative that you consume a sufficient amount to meet your daily needs (including exercise) and best prepare your body for surgery and post-op tissue repair.
Vitamin C: An antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables protects cells from environmental pollutants and toxins and prevents bruising. Zinc: Zinc is used for growth, tissue building and repair, and improved immunity. Take caution not to intake excess, as it can interfere with absorption of other minerals, including iron and copper.
Arginine: This amino acid aids in infection prevention, immune function, and post-op tissue repair. Coenzyme Q 10: Another antioxidant when, taken before surgery, results in quicker recovery after surgery.

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One Week Pre-Surgery

These items should be avoided.
Green tea, cayenne, ginkgo, garlic, ginger, flaxseed, tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant may have a negative effect on anesthesia or bleeding time. Either decrease your intake of fish high in Omega 3’s (blood thinners that can increase bleeding time), or balance it with lean red meat (has arachidonic acid which counteracts blood thinning). Known or potentially allergenic foods should be reduced or eliminated.
The top 8 allergens are: wheat, eggs, soy, peanuts, eggs, tree nuts, milk, fish, and shellfish. Avoid aspirin and all other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Post-Operative Nutrition

The goal of proper post-surgery nutrition is to promote quick healing and recovery with the assistance of a well-supported immune system, while reducing pain, inflammation, and swelling.
Pre-op supplement regimens (as listed above or directed by your Doctor or Nutritionist) may be resumed, while sugar, allergenic foods, caffeine, and alcohol should continue to be avoided.

Interactions With Drugs

During and after your surgery, you might receive a number of medications, such as anesthesia, pain medication and antibiotics. Certain vitamins might alter the efficacy of these medications.

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Your doctor might ask you not to take vitamins before surgery due to some vitamins’ effects on bleeding and blood clotting. For example, vitamin E can increase your risk of bleeding if consumed in large doses. Refraining from vitamin supplements before surgery helps ensure you will not have abnormally high levels of vitamin E and can help with your healing process.
Your doctor has no real way to know which added compounds and extracts are present in your body due to your supplement usage. Advertisement


When your doctor asks you about any drugs you’re taking, be sure to give her information that includes any over-the-counter drugs, as well as vitamins and other supplements. You might even want to open a conversation with her about whether you need vitamin supplements at all: an article published in 2013 in the “Annals of Internal Medicine” came to the conclusion that “supplementing the diet of well-nourished adults with (most) mineral or vitamin supplements has no clear benefit and might even be harmful.”.

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The Aedition

If you are like most patients, the answer is likely no. But that innocent lack of disclosure could adversely affect your care. In the case of cosmetic surgery, it could negatively impact your results.
In today’s wellness era, the question certainly needs to be rephrased. From a multivitamin to adaptogenic herbs, tonics, tinctures, everything you put into your mouth on a daily basis is of great interest to your provider. But that is not to say all supplements are off limits.
“Pre- and post-op instructions are a crucial step in the overall outcome of your surgical procedure,” says Lesley Rabach, MD, a double board certified facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon and co-founder of LM Medical in New York City. It’s a two-way street.”

While a pre-op consultation with your board certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon is necessary to receive the exact requirements for your procedure, we’re breaking down what is generally okay and not okay to take before and after going under the knife and needle to avoid complications and improve recovery.

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