
Vitamin E Deficiency Diseases

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin e deficiency diseases. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

Msd Manual

Some infants are born with vitamin E deficiency, which usually improves with supplements. Newborns have a relatively low reserve of vitamin E because only small amounts of vitamin E cross the placenta. Thus, newborns, particularly premature newborns, are at increased risk of vitamin E deficiency.
Adults can store large amounts of vitamin E in fat tissue, making the deficiency less likel.

Why Is Vitamin E Important?

experiencing any of the following symptoms of deficiency:

Because of this, developing a vitamin E deficiency is rare unless you have an underlying health condition. High doses of vitamin E can increase a risk of bleeding.
Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin with antioxidant qualities that helps keep your immune system strong. It occurs naturally in a wide range of foods and is even added to certain food products to help you increase your intake. Supplements may cause complications, so it’s best to eat a healthy diet that includes many foods rich in vitamin E.

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You can find vitamin E in a wide range of foods.
Even if you do purchase a supplement from a reputable brand, there’s a chance that it can interfere with other medications that you’re taking. Some of the medications that may be affected include:





chemotherapy drugs

radiotherapy drugs

Because they aren’t regulated, it may be unclear what vitamin E you’re getting. For examples, some supplements only contain one type of vitamin E. Your body needs other types found in various food sources.
Concentrated supplements — not multivitamins — may contain more vitamin E than you need.

Signs And Symptoms Of Deficiency

Low levels of vitamin E can lead to: Muscle weakness : Vitamin E is essential to the central nervous system. : Damage to nerve fibers can prevent the nerves from transmitting signals correctly, resulting in these sensations, which are also called peripheral neuropathy.
Vision deterioration : A vitamin E deficiency can weaken light receptors in the retina and other cells in the eye. : A vitamin E deficiency can weaken light receptors in the retina and other cells in the eye. The peripheral system is the network of nerves located beyond the brain and spinal cord.
The central nervous system communicates between the brain and the spinal cord. The sheaths of neurons are mostly composed of fats. When the body has too little vitamin E, it contains fewer antioxidants that protect these fats, and the function of the nervous system breaks down.

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What Is Vitamin E?

Function and Health Effects

The primary function of vitamin E in your body is to combat oxidative stress by blocking the activity of free radicals. Along with vitamin C, it protects fat molecules from oxidation, maintaining the structure and function of each cell [2, 4]. In this article, we’ll cover the main causes, risks, and ways to prevent and treat vitamin E deficiency.
Out of eight forms of vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol is the most important. It’s a powerful antioxidant that supports your immunity, nervous system, fertility, and skin health.

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