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Vitamin E Food Supplement Benefits

If you’re here then you’ve probably Google’d about: vitamin e food supplement benefits.

Reduces Oxidative Stress

You’ve probably seen rust on your bike or car.

Why Do People Take Vitamin E?

Good sources of vitamin E include:

What Are The Risks Of Taking Vitamin E?

Research has linked the use of vitamin E to an increase in hemorrhagic stroke. Vitamin E supplements might be harmful when taken in early pregnancy. The exact amount of vitamin E supplements used by pregnant women in this study is unknown.
A large population study showed that men using a multivitamin more than seven times per week in conjunction with a separate vitamin E supplement actually had a significantly increased risk of developing prostate cancer. The American Heart Association recommends obtaining antioxidants, including vitamin E, by eating a well-balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains rather than from supplements. If you are considering taking a vitamin E supplement, talk to your health care provider first to see if it is right for you.
When inhaled in a vaping product vitamin E acetate may be responsible for e-cigarette, or vaping, product-use associated lung injury (EVALI).

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What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Vitamin E?

Topical vitamin E can irritate the skin. People who take blood thinners or other medicines should not take vitamin E supplements without first talking to their healthcare provide.


E helps maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen the body’s natural defence against illness and infection (the immune system).

Good Sources Of Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a group of compounds found in a wide variety of foods. The amount of vitamin E you need is: 4mg a day for men

3mg a day for women You should be able to get all the vitamin E you need from your diet. Any vitamin E your body does not need immediately is stored for future use, so you do not need it in your diet every day.
There is not enough evidence to know what the effects might be of taking high doses of vitamin E supplements each day. You should be able to get the amount of vitamin E you need by eating a varied and balanced diet.

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