
Vitamin E For The Skin

This isn’t an easy topic to write about nor is it an easy topic to find information about since it’s quite complex.

Vitamin E On Face As Overnight Treatment

Vitamin E oil can be used on your face as an overnight anti-aging treatment. Since vitamin E has a thick consistency, it’s best to apply it before bed so that it can fully absorb. If applied in the morning, you may have difficulty putting makeup or serums on top of it.
This is different than using vitamin E to spot-treat a blemish, using a beauty treatment mask for a brief period of time, or taking an oral supplement that contains vitamin E. Applying vitamin E as an anti-aging or skin-conditioning agent overnight involves letting the product completely absorb into your skin. Look for a product with a high concentration of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol is often the ingredient name), or search for pure vitamin E oil. Rinse your face afterward with lukewarm water, and pat your skin dry.
If you’re using pure vitamin E oil, mix one or two drops of it for every 10 drops of a carrier oil, like jojoba oil, almond oil, or coconut oil.

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What Is Vitamin E?

Yes, it is a vitamin, but if you want to get technical, the term vitamin E actually refers to a group of compounds. “Vitamin E is the name given to [a] family of oil-soluble antioxidants,” explains cosmetic chemist Ni’Kita Wilson.
“There are about eight different types” or forms of vitamin E, and of those, “tocopheryl acetate and tocopherol are most commonly found in skin-care products.”. This is the only form of vitamin E that’s recognized to meet human requirements, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH). So if you see the term “tocopherol” on the ingredient list of your favorite serum or moisturizer, it’s vitamin E.

How Does Vitamin E Benefit Skin?

“It assists in various kinds of cellular restoration from sun damage to healing support for scars or burns.”.

What Is The Mechanism?

As mentioned, vitamin E is an antioxidant, explains cosmetic chemist Ginger King.


Vitamin E is an important fat-soluble antioxidant and has been in use for more than 50 years in dermatology. It is an important ingredient in many cosmetic products.
It protects the skin from various deleterious effects due to solar radiation by acting as a free-radical scavenger.

RELATED:  ;5. Vitamin B12: Numbness, Fatigue, Swollen Tongue, and More;Vitamin B12 aids the production of red blood cells and DNA, and also improves neurotransmitter function, according to the NIH. Vegetarians and vegans may be at particular risk for vitamin B12 deficiency because plants don't make the nutrient, and people who've had weight loss surgery may also lack B12 because the procedure makes it difficult for the body to extract the nutrient from food, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

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