
Vitamin E Skin Oil

Vitamin E On Face As Overnight Treatment

Vitamin E oil can be used on your face as an overnight anti-aging treatment. Since vitamin E has a thick consistency, it’s best to apply it before bed so that it can fully absorb. Typically, you can apply a serum or oil mixture containing vitamin E as an all-over treatment on your face.
Look for a product with a high concentration of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol is often the ingredient name), or search for pure vitamin E oil. Rinse your face afterward with lukewarm water, and pat your skin dry. Rub your face in small circular motions as you apply the treatment so that you stimulate circulation and spread the product out as far as it will go.


Praised as an antioxidant, vitamin E helps your body in a number of other ways, such as helping your immune system and helping keep vessels healthy. You can slather it on your skin or swallow it in a capsule There are claims that vitamin E, as an antioxidant, fights a host of conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease, age-related vision loss, and even certain cancers.

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Free Radicals And Antioxidants

Free radicals in the body are molecules with an unpaired electron, which makes them unstable.
These unstable molecules interact with cells in the body in a way that can cause damage. As the process snowballs, cells can be damaged, and you’re made vulnerable to disease. Our bodies can create free radicals as we age or through everyday factors like digestion or exercise.
Antioxidants are found in many foods and are also made in our bodies using the vitamins and minerals found in foods.

How Much Vitamin E Do You Need?

Unless your diet is very low in fat, it’s likely that you’re getting enough vitamin E. But smoking, air pollution, and even exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays can deplete your body’s stores of the vitamin. According to the National Institutes of Health, teenagers and adults should get about 15 mg of vitamin E a day. Women who are breastfeeding should increase their intake to 19 mg. For children, the NIH recommends 4-5 mg for infants, 6 mg for children ages 1-3, 7 mg for those ages 4-8, and 11 mg from those ages 9-13.
You don’t need capsules and oil to get vitamin E. Many processed foods, especially cereals and juices, are fortified with vitamin E. It’s also found naturally in many foods, including: vegetable oils, especially wheat germ, sunflower, and safflower oils

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nuts and seeds

avocados and other fats

Exposing the myths Since their identification, vitamin E, and other antioxidants have been subject to research for their ability to prevent a number of diseases. But one study that followed over 14,000 U.S. Males for 8 years found no cardiovascular benefit from taking vitamin E supplements. In fact, the study determined that vitamin E was associated with a higher risk of stroke.
Cancer Another study that followed 35,000 men for 5 years found that taking vitamin E supplements had no effect when it came to reducing the risk of developing any type of cancer. Skin healing Vitamin E is widely claimed to help speed healing and reduce scarring when applied to skin.

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Naturally sourced Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which revitalises and protects the skin


Vitamin E Skin Oil, yet penetrating oil which helps to soothe, moisturise and soften the skin.
Our naturally sourced Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant which not only revitalises and protects the skin, it also helps combat the damaging effects of free radicals and shields it against the environment.

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