
Vitamin K Blood Test

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamin k blood test. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.

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Ls are not widely available and are rarely ordered. They are not typically used to screen for or help diagnose vitamin K deficiencies because a lack of vitamin K is usually discovered when unexpected or excessive bleeding or easy bruising occurs. The primary test used to investigate the bleeding is a prothrombin time (PT).
If the result of the PT is prolonged and it is suspected to be due to low levels of the vitamin, then oral supplements or injections of vitamin K are administered.


Vitamin K is essential in the formation of coagulation factors, which are substances that help the blood form clots to prevent excessive bleeding. It is also believed to play a role in preventing bone loss.
The average American diet supplies a sufficient level, but conditions such as obstructive liver disease, obstructive icterus and malabsorption (often a result of Celiac disease, pancreatitis, diarrhea and antibiotic abuse) can lead to a deficiency. If a prolonged result is the outcome and a vitamin K deficiency is suspected, treatment typically involves injections or supplements of the vitamin. Deficient vitamin K levels can lead to:

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Osteoporosis/Weak bones

Bleeding/Thin blood that doesn’t clot well

Easily bruising and mucosal bleeding

Vitamin K deficiency can be more prevalent in people who:.

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The primary test used to investigate the bleeding is a prothrombin time (PT). If the result of the PT is prolonged and it is suspected to be due to low levels of the vitamin, then oral supplements or injections of vitamin K are administered.

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Min K are not widely available within the UK and are rarely requested.
The primary test used to investigate the bleeding is the prothrombin time (PT). If the result of the PT is prolonged and it is suspected to be due to low levels of vitamin K, then oral supplements or injections of the vitamin will be administered.

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