
Vitamin K Toxicity

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Phylloquinone) is not toxic when consumed orally, even in large amounts. However, menadione (a synthetic, water-soluble vitamin K precursor) can cause toxicity (infants have developed hemolytic anemia, hyperbilirubinemia, jaundice, and kernicterus) and should not be used to treat vitamin K deficiency. Infant formulas contain supplemental vitamin K. After the neonatal period, bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract synthesize vitamin K, which is absorbed and used by the body.
Vitamin K2 refers to a group of compounds (menaquinones) synthesized by bacteria in the intestinal tract; the amount synthesized does not satisfy the vitamin K requirement. Forms of vitamin K are common therapy for osteoporosis in Japan and other countrie.


Vitamin K benefits the body in various ways.
Several studies have suggested that vitamin K supports the maintenance of strong bones, improves bone density and decreases the risk of fractures. Cognitive health Increased blood levels of vitamin K have been linked with improved episodic memory in older adults. In one study, healthy individuals over the age of 70 years with the highest blood levels of vitamin K1 had the highest verbal episodic memory performance.
Heart health Vitamin K may help keep blood pressure lower by preventing mineralization, where minerals build up in the arteries. Adequate intake of vitamin K has also been shown to lower the risk of stroke. Sources Vitamin K1 occurs in high amounts in leafy green vegetables, such as kale and Swiss chard.
Other sources include vegetable oils and some fruits. Sources of menanoquines, or K2, include meat, dairy products, eggs, and Japanese “natto,” made from fermented soy beans. Here are sample some food sources of vitamin K: 10 sprigs of parsley contains 90 micrograms (mcg)

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a 3-ounce serving of natto contains 850 mcg

a half-cup serving of frozen and boiled collard greens contains 530 mcg

one cup of raw spinach contains 145 mcg

1 tablespoon of soybean oil contains 25 mcg

a half-cup serving of grapes contains 11 mcg

a hard-boiled egg contains 4 mcg Most adults in the U.S. Are believed to consume enough vitamin K. Recipe tips These healthy recipes have been developed by a registered dietitian.

Why Do People Take Vitamin K?

Unlike many other vitamins, vitamin K is not typically used as a dietary supplement. The most important of these compounds appears to be vitamin K1 and vitamin K2. Recently, some people have looked to vitamin K2 to treat osteoporosis and steroid-induced bone loss, but the research is conflicting.


The simplest form, which contains only this core, is known as vitamin K 3 . In contrast to the natural forms, K 3 is hydrophilic and is not obtained through the diet. However, it acts as an intermediate in human metabolism.2 Vitamin K obtained from the diet originates either from plant sources (in the form of vitamin K 1 , known as phylloquinone [phytomenadione, phytonadione]) or more commonly from animal sources in the form of vitamin K 2 (menaquinone, generally abbreviated as MK, see Fig.
Vitamin K 4 also exists, and this term is associated with other synthetic forms of vitamin K. It may be a reduced form of vitamin K 3 (menadiol) or its ester forms (eg, diacetate vitamin K 3 ).

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