
Vitamins 101

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: vitamins 101. Hopefully by the end of this article you’ll have no doubts about this subject.

First Things First: Find A Routine

Back in the real world, however, things are very different,” says Healthspan’s Dr Sarah Brewer. “But, with as many different dietary supplements available as there are conflicting messages about them, it can be hard to know what is best for you. First things first: find a routine So that your body can make the most out of the supplements you take, it’s important to take them regularly and at the right time of day.

See When’S The Best Time To Take My Supplements?


Please note the date of last review or update on all articles.

RELATED:  Vitamin Pyridoxine

Selective Shopping

You might be surprised to learn that dietary supplements sold in the United States don’t have to be registered with any government agency, so anyone can produce and sell a supplement.

What To Look For

Most vitamins and minerals are synthetic.
The nutrients are still the same and they contain the same elements, but the structure is slightly different which means that the supplement you are getting may not even be a form that your body can absorb. Supplements can also contain many sneaky ingredients including binders, fillers, colorants, sweeteners, favoring and coatings, which are added and not always identified on the label. These extras can cause reactions including sensitivity, stomach upset, or allergic reactions so keep a close eye on the ingredient list and do your research before buying.
Here is our list of supplements that are safe to take (if needed):


Take if your diet is not high in fish, seafood, grass-fed meats, flax, chia and walnuts. Probiotic

RELATED:  Can Collagen Be Digested

Take if your diet is not high in fermented veggies, yogurt, miso, sauerkraut, etc. Protein powder

Take if you struggle to get protein with your meals.
Vitamin D

Take if you are not exposed to the sunlight regularly. Supports bones, immune system, nervous system and brain. Magnesium has a laxative effect so be careful with taking too much.

Following A Vegan Diet?

Check out our article on important nutrients and supplements for a vegan diet plan.

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