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Vitamins A And C Benefits

This blog post will walk you through: vitamins a and c benefits.

1. May Reduce Your Risk Of Chronic Disease

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that can strengthen your body’s natural defenses (2). When free radicals accumulate, they can promote a state known as oxidative stress, which has been linked to many chronic diseases Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase your blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%.
This may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease.

How Much Vitamin C Is Enough?

It is the first nutrient to be depleted in alcoholics, smokers, and obese individuals. And because vitamin C is one of the nutrients sensitive to stress, Moyad says naintaining levels of vitamin C can be an ideal marker for overall health.
“There is good evidence taking vitamin C for colds and flu can reduce the risk of developing further complications, such as pneumonia and lung infections,” says Moyad. Although research has been conflicting, one study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that those with the highest concentrations of vitamin C in their blood were associated with 42% lower stroke risk than those with the lowest concentrations. The reasons for this are not completely clear.
Vitamin C affects cells on the inside and outside of the body and it’s antioxidant properties can be beneficial when it comes to aging. It found that higher vitamin C intakes were associated with a lower likelihood of a wrinkled appearance, dryness of the skin, and a better skin-aging appearance.

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Good sources include: citrus fruit, such as oranges and orange juice





Brussels Sprouts


How Much Vitamin C Do I Need?

You should be able to get all the vitamin C you need from your daily diet.

What Happens If I Take Too Much Vitamin C?

Taking less than 1,000mg of vitamin C supplements a day is unlikely to cause any har.

What Are Vitamins A, C And E?

Family: Nutritional supplement

Nutritional supplement Scientific name: Vitamin A (retinoids), vitamin C (L-ascorbate) and vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols)

Vitamins are nutritional substances which you need in small amounts in your diet. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.
Vitamins can be found in foods (natural vitamins) or can be produced in laboratories (synthetic vitamins).

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