
Vitamins B6 Benefits

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Health Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Homocysteine is one of 21 amino acids in your body. Vitamin B6 helps maintain a normal amount of this amino acid in your blood. Eating foods rich in vitamin B6 will help your body guard against infection.
Studies conducted with older adults have linked low levels of vitamin B6 with poor immune response. Less morning sickness. Studies have found that taking vitamin B6 may help ease nausea during pregnancy, though it doesn’t help with vomiting.
Your body needs vitamin B6 to make serotonin, a hormone that elevates your mood. There is evidence to suggest taking vitamin B6 supplements can ease some of the effects of premenstrual syndrome, including: Breast tenderness

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Anxiety Lower cancer risk. Maintaining healthy levels of vitamin B6 in your blood might also help reduce your chances of cancer.
High levels of homocysteine have been associated with dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and cognitive decline.

1. May Improve Mood And Reduce Symptoms Of Depression

It’s significant to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters Your body cannot produce vitamin B6, so you must obtain it from foods or supplements.
Most people get enough vitamin B6 through their diet, but certain populations may be at risk for deficiency. Here are 9 health benefits of vitamin B6, backed by scienc.

Possible Health Benefits Of Vitamin B6

Its roles include turning food into energy and helping to create neurotransmitters, such as serotonin and dopamine.
Vitamin B6 is one of eight B vitamins. This group of vitamins is important for proper cell function. Also known as pyridoxine, vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin, which means it dissolves in water.
The body does not store vitamin B6 and releases any excess in urine, so people need to get enough vitamin B6 every day. This article looks at the health benefits and food sources of vitamin B6, along with a person’s daily needs of the vitamin.

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What Is Vitamin B6? What Does It Do?

Notably, it helps to break down the amino acid homocysteine.
Too much homocysteine can be a risk factor for heart disease, stroke, and dementia. Over time, stressors like high blood sugar and inflammation can cause damage to our cells and tissues, leading to more serious conditions like diabetes. Chronic or long-term stress can actually change the brain’s biology and make us more vulnerable to conditions like depression and anxiety.
These neurotransmitters can help us feel more stable and less overwhelmed in the face of trauma or day-to-day stressors. Biological effects of stress : Over time, stress hormones like cortisol can cause damage to the brain and body, resulting in problems including memory loss and stomach ulcers. Physical toxins and infections: Animal studies have found that B6 may reduce brain inflammation and cell death and prevent memory loss associated with meningitis infection.

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