
Vitamins For Growth And Development

Vitamins And Minerals: The Basics

Your child needs a lot of essential vitamins and minerals for growth, development and good health. The best way for your child to get enough vitamins and minerals is by eating a wide variety of foods from the five healthy food groups:



grain food – bread, pasta, breakfast cereals, rice, corn and so on

reduced-fat dairy food – milk, yoghurt and cheese

lean meat and fish, chicken, eggs, tofu, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas and so on) and nuts.

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What Are Vitamins?

Food sources of Vitamin B12 are meat, fish, eggs, and milk. Vitamin B6- This vitamin helps in the release of brain chemicals that help in regulating moods. Vitamin C – Vitamin C is necessary for the production of collagen, a protein responsible for skin elasticity.
Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. Good food sources of Vitamin D are eggs, fish and fortified milk. Vitamin E- Vitamin E supports a healthy immune system and is also required for healthy skin and hair. Green leafy vegetables, beans, and eggs are a great source of Vitamin K.

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Folic Acid- Folic acid is required for the absorption of proteins, the formation of new red blood cells and the DNA.
Green leafy vegetables, liver, legumes, and cereals are good sources of Folic acid. Consult your Health Care Professional to ensure that your kid is gets the full range of vitamins required for their holistic growth right from an early age, either from these food sources or an appropriate Health drink without any added suga.

Vitamin A

Beneficial to maintain eye, hair, nail, and skin health.
Vitamin A also supports bone growth and protects the body from various diseases. Sources of Vitamin A include cheese, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, spinach, mangoes, and broccoli.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B consists of several types, which are B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12.
To help the growth and development of the child, vitamin B plays an important role in metabolism, energy production, and the health of the nervous system. Vitamin C

Serves to help the formation of red blood cells, bones, and tissue. Vitamin C also maintains gum health and blood vessel strength as well as help improve the immune system of the body so the child does not easily fall ill and the growth and development process becomes optimal.
Milk and its derivative products, such as cheese, yoghurt, and butter, are rich in vitamin D. Similarly, this also applies to eggs, salmon, tuna, and fish oil. Vitamin E

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Vitamin E can limit the production of free radicals that can damage cells. Sources of vitamin E are nuts, kiwi, broccoli, sunflower seed oil, canola oil, soybean oil, and spinach.

Calcium plays an active role in supporting the growth and development process. Sources of iron include red meat, turkey, spinach, nuts, and prunes. Generally, the requirements for vitamins and minerals can be fulfilled by the variety of food consumed daily.

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