
Vitamins That Are Good For Your Immune System

It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

Choose Frozen When You Can’T Get Fresh

Frozen food can still boost your immune system. “Manufacturers freeze frozen fruits and veggies at ‘peak’ ripeness, which means they’ll pack a similar nutritional value as their fresh counterparts,” she says.

How To Best Support Your Immune System

Whilst there is not much we can do about our genes, the one thing we can do to support the immune system is to control our diets.

Vitamin C For Immunity

There is a reason your doctor tells you to make sure you are getting enough vitamin C during the winter months. This vitamin is essential for the normal functioning of your immune system. Holland & Barrett Vitamin C with Wild Rose Hips Caplets contains rose hips, for a natural source of vitamin C, to help support the normal function of the immune system.
You can get vit D from some foods, including red meat, egg yolks and oily fish but some diets do not include these. Do not worry though, a vitamin D supplement could sort you out and keep your levels topped up.
Zinc for immunity

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The body needs essential mineral zinc for a variety of important tasks. One of these is supporting particular functions of the immune system. Remedies for common colds

When your immune system has not quite managed to fight off little niggles such as colds, it might be time to take something to help with the symptoms you are experiencing.
For hundreds of years, people have been taking echinacea to help relieve the symptoms of cold and flu-like illnesses, based on traditional use only.

#1. Vitamin C

Immune cells play a crucial role in the protection of our body against the many foreign substances, pathogens and viruses it comes into contact with every day. It is constantly working to keep us alive.
This article outline 10 anti-viral herbs and supplements that are known for their immune-enhancing properties. Research has found supplementing with certain minerals, vitamins and herbs may be beneficial in supporting our immune system and promoting longevity. See below the Top 10 Immune-Boosting Herbs and Supplements:

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Vitamin C

Vitamin C (or its chemical form L-ascorbic acid) is known for its potent antioxidant and antiviral effects. It can be found in many foods including sweet potato, peppers, kale, broccoli, and citrus fruits, berries and more. Several studies have found that consuming Vitamin C may activate an immune response against certain flu viruses.

Moreover, Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant.

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