
Vitamins Vs Medicine

It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

Navigating The Maze

Defining Drugs

Drugs are tested by the FDA. They’re defined as substances intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. Medications must pass clinical trials before being released to the public and the tests need to prove each drug is safe, performing just as the manufacturer claims.
Defining Supplements

Supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA. Keep in mind, herbs and vitamins don’t have to be tested for safety. Self-regulated by the manufacturer, no proof is required to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Dangers And Due Diligence

Their duty is to prove the supplement poses a health threat, which is difficult to accomplish, meaning suspect supplements can remain on shelves for years. Many drugs and supplements interact poorly with each other and can negatively impact your health.

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Medicine Vs Supplement

So here’s the key difference between medicines and supplements or dietary supplements.
For example, if you are taking blood pressure medicine, the body will lower your blood pressure because of the medicine you took to balance the body and handle the medicine. However, if your body cannot balance the medicine, the drug will give you side effects; which is why most people take multiple medicines for one ailment. So while the insides of your body turn into a playground for acrobatic gymnasts when you take medicines, nutritional supplements give the actual tools to help fix the issue in the body, like a handyman.

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Some might also reduce discomfort caused by certain conditions or medicines or help you feel better, which can improve your quality of life. But dietary supplements are not totally safe, and taking them can have risks, especially for people who are getting cancer treatment.

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