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Vitamins You Should Take Everyday In Your 20S

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your late 20s are the perfect time to start taking supplements that will better your overall health in your 30s. Not all vitamins are created equal, though, and there is definitely a hierarchy when it comes to the types of supplements you should be taking.

1. Folic Acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin commonly found in prenatal vitamins.
They are available over the counter to everyone. Iron

Iron deficiency is incredibly common for women in their 20s, and even as you leave that era of your life, it is very important to continue ensuring you get enough iron in your diet either through foods or supplements. Collagen

If you’re looking for a supplement that is going to contribute to the look and strength of your hair, skin, and nails, collagen is perfect for you. Collagen can also fight signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. Collagen is what keeps your skin and muscles healthy and full-looking, so when your body stops producing as much collagen over time, the looks of age can creep in. Calcium

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As you get older and enter your 30s, your bone health needs to become a top concern. So many women develop osteoporosis, or porous, weak bones as they get older and enter menopause. You can prevent this disease or slow your body’s development of osteoporosis by increasing your bone density with calcium supplements. Taking calcium each day will also prevent bone loss, which can help you look younger and stronger. Vitamin D

Vitamin D will help your body absorb that extra calcium you’re taking, and it supports heart health and can even help you if you are trying to lose weight. Natural vitamin D comes from the sun, but if you work a full time office job or don’t have the opportunity to get out that much, a vitamin D supplement can give you all the nutrients you need. This information should be used as a guide only. Always consult your doctor or other qualified healthcare professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or the use of supplementation.

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The Most Important Nutrients For Your Age

Although getting enough nutrients through what you eat is ideal, you might want to consider adding vitamins and supplements to your regimen after discussing your needs with your doctor . White bear studio/Shutterstock.

Your Tween And Teen Years

“We need calcium for bone and muscle growth, but it doesn’t get absorbed as well without vitamin D,” she says. “These are the bone-building years for boys and girls, and if you don’t build enough bone, you will be prone to brittle bones later in life.” Tweens and teens should get 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D per day and 1,300 mg of calcium per day, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Dietary Supplements. Some tweens and teens may have special needs due to their diet or circumstances, and some foods will be a hard sell.

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