
What Are All The Vitamins And What Do They Do

This subject along with many others are quite common.

What Are Vitamins?

A vitamin is an organic compound, which means that it contains carbon.

Fat-Soluble And Water-Soluble Vitamins

Dietary fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins through the intestinal tract. Vitamin C and all the B vitamins are water-soluble .
A balanced, varied diet that contains plenty of fruits and vegetables should be the primary source of vitamins. Anyone taking supplements should be careful not to exceed the maximum dose, as research shows that taking too much of any vitamin can lead to health problems. Also, some medications can interact with vitamin supplements.
Overall, it is important to speak with a healthcare provider before trying any supplement.

When Is The Best Time To Take Supplements?


The nine water-soluble vitamins are vitamin C and all the B vitamins. Any leftover or excess amounts of these leave the body through the urine. Some vitamin-like nutrients are also needed by the body such a.

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and minerals are nutrients your body needs in small amounts to work properly and stay healthy.

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