
What Are The Vitamins In Honey

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Ey Nutrition Facts When Trying To Understand What Honey Is Made Of And Its Benefits?

Simple Carbohydrates

Honey is a great source of simple carbohydrates. Natural Sugar

80% natural sugar – mostly fructose and glucose. Water content

18% water.
Minerals and Vitamins

2% minerals, vitamins, pollen and protein. Honey contains natural minerals and vitamins which help the metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid on the organs and tissues into the system, hence preventing obesity and promoting better health for us. The vitamins present in honey are B6, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and certain amino acids.
The minerals found in honey include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Manuka honey has a higher than normal conductivity, a way of measuring the mineral content of a honey — about 4 times that of normal flower honeys. The higher the conductivity, the better the value of the honey.

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One tablespoon of natural sweetener honey contains 64 calories. Full account in: Amount of Calorie in Honey.
Glycemic Index

* Honey has a healthy Glycemic Index (GI), meaning that its sugars can be gradually absorbed into the bloodstream to result in better digestion.We should try to avoid eating excessive high-glycemic foods which would prompt an elevated insulin release in our body as a result of the pancreas being stimulated to metabolize the sudden surge of glucose into the blood.

What Is Raw Honey?

Honey is a sweet, golden liquid made by honeybees. Honey manufacturers will usually pass raw honey through a filter to remove as many impurities as possible, but some generally remain.
It is still safe to eat. Unlike raw honey, regular honey undergoes a pasteurization process. However, pasteurization may adversely affect the number of nutrients in the honey.
A 2017 review on honey and a 2015 review on bee pollen report that bee propolis and bee pollen can offer anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. The following sections explore seven evidence-based health benefits of raw honey.

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1. Simple Carbohydrates

Nectar itself is composed mainly of sucrose and water.

How Is Honey Made?

The journey from bee to bottle begins with flower nectar. Honeybees collect the nectar and enzymes in bee saliva break down the sugar into glucose and fructose which is stored in honeycombs to feed the hive over the winter. The resulting thick, sticky liquid is what we know as honey (see Table 1 for composition).

The European Union’s largest honey yields are found in Spain, Germany, Romania and Hungary. 2 However, as successful honey production depends on the honeybee thriving, it is of concern that Europe is seeing a significant decline in bee colonies (21% in the winter 2016/2017 alone).

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