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What Are Vitamins A And E Good For

We’re frequently asked in our comment section about: what are vitamins a and e good for. Truth is we’ve been delaying this article for a while until we had enough information & facts to allow us to enlighten our readers.

What Are Vitamins A, C And E?

Family: Nutritional supplement

Nutritional supplement Scientific name: Vitamin A (retinoids), vitamin C (L-ascorbate) and vitamin E (tocopherols and tocotrienols)

Vitamins are nutritional substances which you need in small amounts in your diet. Vitamins A and E are fat-soluble vitamins, meaning they’re stored in your body’s fat cells, but they need to have their levels topped up regularly. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin.
This is why you need to take water-soluble vitamins daily. Vitamins can be found in foods (natural vitamins) or can be produced in laboratories (synthetic vitamins). You can buy vitamin capsules from high-street shop.

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What Are Vitamins?

Having too little of any particular vitamin may increase the risk of developing certain health issues. A vitamin is an organic compound, which means that it contains carbon. It is also an essential nutrient that the body may need to get from food.
There are currently 13 recognized vitamins.

Fat-Soluble And Water-Soluble Vitamins

We describe both types below: Fat-soluble vitamins Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. The body stores fat-soluble vitamins in fatty tissue and the liver, and reserves of these vitamins can stay in the body for days and sometimes months.
Dietary fats help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins through the intestinal tract. Water-soluble vitamins Water-soluble vitamins do not stay in the body for long and cannot be stored. Because of this, people need a more regular supply of water-soluble vitamins than fat-soluble ones.
Vitamin supplements Many people in the United States take multivitamins and other supplements, though these may not be necessary or helpful, according to research . Fortified foods and supplements may be appropriate in some cases, however, such as during pregnancy, for people with restricted diets, and for people with specific health issues. Anyone taking supplements should be careful not to exceed the maximum dose, as research shows that taking too much of any vitamin can lead to health problems.
Also, some medications can interact with vitamin supplements. Various supplements are available for purchase online.

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