If you’re here, then you probably Google’d: what are vitamins how are they classified. This subject along with many others are quite common, we will do our best to answer this and many other similar questions in this article which should ease your mind regarding this subject.
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They are essential dietary factors required by an organism in minute quantities and their absence causes specific deficiency diseases. Classification of vitamins : Vitamins are generally classified on the basis of their solubility in the following types :
1. Water soluble vitamins .
Fat soluble vitmains. These are oily substances not readily soluble in water. The group includes vitamin A, D,E and K.
Similarly to vitamins, minerals are micronutrients that are essential to human health and can be obtained in our diet from different types of food. Minerals are abundant in our everyday lives. From the soil in your front yard to the jewelry you wear on your body, we interact with minerals constantly.
Living organisms can’t make minerals, so the minerals our bodies need must come from the diet. Plants obtain minerals from the soil they grow in. Humans obtain minerals from eating plants, as well as indirectly from eating animal products (because the animal consumed minerals in the plants it ate).
The mineral content of soil and water varies from place to place, so the mineral composition of foods and water differs based on geographic location.2
Classification of Minerals
Minerals are classified as either major minerals or trace minerals, depending on the amount needed in the body. Major minerals are those that are required in the diet in amounts larger than 100 milligrams each day. Minerals are water-soluble and do not require enzymatic digestion.
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For instance, fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins that dissolve in fat. This means they can accumulate and be saved for later use. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K.
Now these four letters represent four different vitamins, but if you try to pronounce them like they spell a word, then you might pronounce them as ‘attic.’.
These vitamins are important to the normal functioning of your body.
For Example, Did Your Mom Ever Tell You To Eat Your Carrots So You Could See Better At Night?
This is because carrots contain vitamin A, which helps with vision. Or, maybe your mom was one to tell you to go outside and play in the sunshine. Vitamin E helps with your ‘immunit-E’ because it works as an antioxidant protecting your cells from free radicals.
Water-Soluble Vitamins
If a vitamin is not fat-soluble, then it is classified as one of the water-soluble vitamins, which are vitamins that dissolve in water. Because your body is a watery environment, these vitamins can move through your body pretty easily, and they can also be flushed out in your urine with ease. So, your body does not store water-soluble vitamins, and you need to replenish them daily.
There are eight B vitamins, including vitamin B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. In order, their names are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate and cobalamin. Now, remembering all of the names of the B vitamins can seem a bit like trying to figure out a riddle, so it might help you to recall the B vitamins by using the mnemonic, ‘These Riddles Need Practice, Practice Builds Future Character.
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
This means they can accumulate and be saved for later use. The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K.
Now these four letters represent four different vitamins, but if you try to pronounce them like they spell a word, then you might pronounce them as ‘attic.’. So, a great little memory jogger for recalling the fat-soluble vitamins is ‘The fat cat is in the ADEK (attic).’.
These vitamins are important to the normal functioning of your body.
For Example, Did Your Mom Ever Tell You To Eat Your Carrots So You Could See Better At Night?
Or, maybe your mom was one to tell you to go outside and play in the sunshine.
And Vitamin K Is Needed For Blood Clotting, Or Would It Help You Recall This Fact If You Spelled Clotting With A ‘K’ And Thought Of Vitamin K As The Blood ‘K-Lotting’ Vitamin?
Water-soluble vitamins include the B-complex vitamins and vitamin C. The B vitamins were initially thought to be just one vitamin, but later it was discovered that they were a group of vitamins with different characteristics; this is why B vitamins have numbers and different names. Some of the vitamins, such as vitamin B6 and B12, are usually referenced by their numbers, but all eight of these B vitamins have a corresponding name. In order, their names are thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin, folate and cobalamin.
Now, remembering all of the names of the B vitamins can seem a bit like trying to figure out a riddle, so it might help you to recall the B vitamins by using the mnemonic, ‘These Riddles Need Practice, Practice Builds Future Character.’.