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What B Vitamin Is Good For Hair

In this article we will be discussing a very common question: what b vitamin is good for hair. It’s quite a sensitive & complex subject, as such we will do our best at providing a clear and concise article to clear any doubts you may have.

1. Vitamin A

All cells need vitamin A for growth. Vitamin A also helps skin glands make an oily substance called sebum. Sebum moisturizes the scalp and helps keep hair healthy Diets deficient in vitamin A may lead to several problems, including hair loss While it’s important to get enough vitamin A, you don’t want too much. Sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, spinach, and kale are all high in beta-carotene, which is turned into vitamin A. Vitamin A can also be found in animal products such as milk, eggs, and yogurt.
Good sources include sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, kale, and some animal foods.

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Vitamin D

Supplementation with vitamin D may not have direct links with hair growth, but having a deficiency may impact hair health. Many of the studies in the review found low levels of vitamin D in people with alopecia areata.
According to the review, some research also suggests that symptoms of alopecia areata may be more severe in people with low levels of vitamin D. However, the authors of a 2016 study that collected information from 55,929 women in the United States did not find a strong link between total vitamin D intake and hair loss in alopecia areata. However, further studies are necessary to confirm this potential link. More research is also necessary to confirm the potential benefits of vitamin D for hair growth.
Getting enough vitamin D The Office of Dietary Supplements recommend that adults get 600 international units (IU) , or 15 micrograms (mcg), of vitamin D per day. Few foods contain significant amounts of vitamin D, but the following foods are among the best sources: fish, such as salmon or swordfish

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egg yolks

fortified orange juice

fortified milk Sun exposure is also essential, as this enables the body to produce vitamin D. People should remember to wear sunscreen , however, as too much sun exposure over time can lead to skin damage. Vitamin D supplements are available for purchase online, but a person should always check with their doctor before taking any vitamins.
That said, vitamin D supplements are relatively safe, and toxicity is extremely rare. Taking vitamin D with a meal that contains fat will improve the absorption of this vitamin.

The Connection Between Vitamin B And Hair Loss

Most research does not imply that the intake of vitamin B is directly related to hair growth.
B-vitamins help DNA and RNA (the codes that make our cells) provide energy to cells, absorb proteins, and repair cells (3). Learn more about the types of vitamin B needed for hair growth in the next section.

Why Might I Need Extra Vitamins For My Hair?

Icologist for Public Health England, advising healthcare professionals all around the country on how to manage clinical cases of adverse exposure to supplements, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, industrial chemicals and agricultural products.

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