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What Conditions May Lead To Vitamin K Deficiency

Msd Manual

Ficiency results from extremely inadequate intake, fat malabsorption, or use of coumarin anticoagulants. It impairs clotting. Diagnosis is suspected based on routine coagulation study findings and confirmed by response to vitamin K. Treatment consists of vitamin K given orally or, when fat malabsorption is the cause or when risk of bleeding is high, parenterally.
In affected neonates, birth trauma can cause intracranial hemorrhage. If the mother has taken phenytoin antiseizure drugs, coumarin anticoagulants, or cephalosporin antibiotics, the risk of hemorrhagic disease is increase.

What Is Vitamin K?

Blood clotting or coagulation prevents excessive bleeding internally and externally.
If a person has a vitamin K deficiency, that means the person’s body cannot produce enough of these proteins, increasing the risk of excessive bleeding. Most adults obtain an adequate supply of vitamin K through the foods they eat and through what their body naturally produces. When it does, it is known as vitamin K deficiency bleeding or VKDB.

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Treatment of almost all medical conditions has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Iency is not common in adults, but can be serious because it stops the blood clotting properly. It can also make bones weaker, and increase a person’s chances of breaking them.

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